Interior Design + Renovation Enthusiast

Marketing Agency Owner


Coffee Addict

Classic Car Lover

Interiors + Renovation

Having recently bought a beautiful Grade 2 listed 1840s house on the Kent Coast, we’ve been busy renovating and decorating for the last 2 years. 

Check out some recent posts below, read the Renovation Blog or visit the Saxon Stories profile on Instagram


I have over a decade of experience in FMCG Marketing.
With a creative approach to using consumer data, l’ve covered a range of roles including Shopper Marketing, Brand Management, Activation and Category Insight for
some big brands and industries where data & insight is the key to growth:


I live with my partner Martin on the Kent coast, and we are parents to our son Charlie.

I have a penchant for interior design, decorating, photography, graphic design and exploring. And also run a marketing agency Stockley + Turner


I play guitar and bass, and have a long list of bands to see live that I’m working my way through.


I’m a big advocate of keeping things as local & British as possible, and I buy into brands who have strong environmental values and a passion for quality.

I also develop branding & communications for local businesses – but I suppose that counts as marketing!